Aligned Efforts
:Aligned efforts are the key to keeping everything flowing together in the same direction. The idea is not to dictate anything, but rather to find the general direction everyone wants to go. It may be easiest to explain this using examples.
I like to ski, and I want to stay right at the edge of a ski area that has good snow. I want a good, solid car that will last, has good driving characteristics and is clean for the environment. I want to be able to live somewhere where what I do will not disturb anyone else, including making lots of noise at 2:00 AM. I want #4, I want #5, I want #6, and so on. The next person wants to be able to vacation at a small cabin on a lake in the middle of nowhere and not be distrubed. He wants to live far from the noise of the city with his wife and three children. He wants to be able to hunt a deer now and then. He wants #4, he wants #5, etc. The next person wants to live in a city and feel safe there. She wants to be able to vacation at the seashore. She wants to know lots of people and go to parties with them. She wants #4, she wants #5, she wants #6, etc.
We each assume we have an income of, say, 150,000 units. [To make the concept easier, I am going to call the units dollars.] We have a personal, anonymous to everyone else, code and bid our dollars by logging into "the Pool" (or whatever the system is to be called) on the "take" side, looking for other needs/wants/desires (newades) that match our own. If none exists, we create a new entry. The less like anything else registered on the take side the newade is, the more dollars it will take to inspire production on the "put" side. Now that I and all my fellow Utopians have figured out what we want and how intensely we want them, we step back and see who wants to help produce which of the newades. If enough people want a particular newade, that cascades into a second tier newade: capital investment that will utlimately produce far more of the newade with less direct labor. The capital investment entails design and creation of the machines to build the newade, and then a balance between who wants to help run the plant and where to put the plant.
There will always be a range of how much people want a newade, as well as a range of how much each person would be willing to accept to produce the various newades. The trick is balancing among the various factors. But by definition, there would not be unchosen unemployment. Then as people produced on the put side they would start receiving the dollars that would entitle them to start receiving newades on the take side. This is essentially demand driven barter. Along the way, the Pool would help weed out duplication of effort because people would already have shown how much they wanted a particular newade (and where -- like perhaps people might really want the convenience of gas stations on four corners of an intersection; or maybe not).
There are systems analysis programs that could be tailored to tweak the Pool and help ensure that it would keep up with dynamic changes as people decided they wanted fewer buggy whips and more cars.
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