Altruism is a way of thinking that is contrary to most people's nature at least most of the time. There are a few very giving souls who take altruism as the only way to live - Ghandi and Mother Theresa are epitomes of this. Most people do not have that way of being ingrained as a reality. Many people look out for themselves only, some for only their families. Few are able to step out of the immediate situations they are in to see all sides.
Think of what you would do if you saw a wallet on the ground with $5, an ATM card and a driver's license. You would probably try to find a way to contact the person since you had a name and address. Now suppose that the wallet had $20 in it. Or $100. Or $1,000. If it had been stolen, the cash would certainly have been taken. But it was just lying there. It would be easy enough to say that's how you found it and there probably wouldn't be much to prove that was not the case. The owner might offer to give you a small amount as a gift for returning it. Would you accept the gift?
How about all the times you have tried to do a transaction and the company policy, as uncompromising and not applicable in your case as it seemed, was directly stopping you from getting something you thought you ought to be able to have or doing something you had to do. What was your reaction? Did you argue (in what manner?) with the person whose job it was to carry out the company's policy? Do you think in terms of that person as a person or as a minion of the company who might be able to accommodate your demands if you yell loud enough or argue persuasively enough?
Utopia needs thinking on a personal level on everyone's part.
Some people enjoy the "hunt", claiming that there are wolves and lambs
in this world and that if one chooses to act as a lamb, the other wolves
will take what they want and leave the lambs behind. Lambs just grow
up to be sheep, animals that do little thinking on their own; animals that
are easily led, easily frightened. The natural hurdles of life are
hard enough that we don't need the antagonism that comes from this kind
of mentality.