
You'll Drown Mon., 15 Feb. 1999 
It all sounded well and good until I stepped out the shelter of that room and realized that I had to pay $5 to leave the parking lot.  Capitalism rules our world. 

God gives us the way Thu., 18 Feb 1999 
Our original system was set up to serve our Father (one nation under God), but it certainly is nothing less than self-serving in our time. 

Who are you, and what now? Fri, 05 Mar 1999 
Who's “me/I”?  You remain anonymous throughout.  Who are these dark forces?  What now? Run for office?  Start a sub-culture?  And also Mon, 02 Apr 2001: Your background?  Utopia better in mind? 

Cohousing   Thu, 11 Mar 1999 
It still seems to me that the Cohousing model is a good laboratory for applying life forces to your theories.... http://www.cohousing.org

Urban Stress
Thu, 08 Apr 1999 08:02:26 GMT 
Cities are too stressful. 

Utopia is wrong word, writing Utopia not possible Oct 1999 
There is no place that you seek called "utopia"... use "topia" for now, ("place" instead of "no place")....Since humanity has learned the written word perfect topia is not possible. 

Tetworld Global Game Oct 1999 
You are cordially invited to visit and review Tetworld... Tetworld Peace Through Development Project & Game 

Utopia forums?  Nov 1999 
I would be very eager to join any discussion group or forum that you may have or know of. [YES!!!  You will note there is a link at the bottome of this page to a new forum launched in association with this site.  Please come visit and participate in our progress toward Utopia!]

Single-Issue Advocacy Feb 2000 
You might want to think about direct democracy "by all the people" -- the ones who do participate, and participate loudest are the "single issue" people. 

May 2000
I also advocate utopia4all. Please consider listing my site, www. 4utopianow.com in your Utopian links. You will find info about my new book UTOPIA NOW, The Ultimate Success Story (non-fiction) and a fun U.Q.(Utopian Quotient) Test.
"Then, it is the Peoples' right and duty, to surpass such systems and make secure their future by endeavoring to embrace Utopia for All [empahsis added]. The People of planet Earth will never tolerate tyranny"
--Dan Cahill, The Declaration of Interdependence
 Response to this excerpt of Declaration of Interdependence 

Response to email May 2000 [Link to come]
[Lots to chew on. Toward Utopia is the key. Can you point me to where in your site you suggest how to get there?]
You raised a good question in your comment in my guest book, one which I do not answer.  Visit the site again in a week or so, and I will put my answer at the bottom of the "utopia"  sub-page. As you say, towards utopia!  Chris [aka DrHumph]

Archons should replace Bureaucracy 
In time, every bureaucracy becomes the problem, rather than the solution.Response to this excerpt




Assumptions for Utopia

Possibilities for Utopia

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