You have arrived at this link because you were really paying attention. I have made this hard to find because I think you will find this page is particularly controversial. Let me start with a few realities not mentioned in the Assumptions page.
Older women tend to like sex
more than younger women. Perhaps this may be because of genetic programming
over the history of humankind. If a woman has lived to the age of
30 plus, she is probably in a situation that is more likely to have proved
stable. She will be more experienced and better able to fend for
her family if the man leaves, so nature rewards her with a stronger drive
to have children.
Older men tend to want to have
sex with younger women, who in turn are more open minded about whom they
will have sex with on a longer term basis. The older men may see
the younger women as more in love with them, when perhaps they are just
not as set in their ways, they may not know themselves and what they want
as much as when they get older, they may look up to the experience that
comes with age, or find that older men who have had the time to be successful
in life have actually done so and so are more likely to be able to provide
a materially and socially stable environment in which to raise a family.
Relationships need love and
yet space, respect and yet playfulness, consistency and yet change.
Without a balance of these relationships go stale.
If people who are similar tend
to bond, it would follow that really smart, handsome people will seek the
same. But on the other end of the spectrum, the not so smart and
the not so handsome perhaps might seek other not so smart or not so handsome
people so that they are on the same social level and not as likely to be
abandoned. However, secretly, they might actually have chosen a smart
or handsome mate had they had some way of achieving the smar/handsome intended
mate's attention and affection, and not been afraid of losing that person
when a better alternative came along. The children of the best people
will most likely have the same high characteristics, and if the people
on the other end have children by each other, the children may well tend
to be not so smart or not so handsome.
Besides genetic engineering,
which is not yet a reality, we could look at how to match "mentor" type
relationships where a smart and handsome person might choose a like mate
and also accept a not so smart, not so handsome mate. This is not
an edict. It is a goofy idea to spark thought and discussion about
how to give the "have nots" a chance to be part of the best. The
children of the not so smart, not so handsome would be much more likely
to have smarter and more handsome characteristics. It has been happening
de facto for a while if you consider how many men throughout history have
taken mistresses while married, and how many women have actually borne
children not fathered by their husbands.
Hypothesis: A social benefit
of monagamy is that younger women, driven by a different set of hormones
than younger men, are better able to keep a clear head and choose mates
who will be successful. (Alcohol is a demonstrated override of this.)
If younger men are not successful, they can become so with effort, and
thus become more desirable mates, although even then there is no guarantee
they will actually entice a mate.
As people become older, they
accumulate a progressively deeper and more accurate understanding of themselves.
Along with this comes a lowering of tolerance for things that conflict
with their increasing selfawareness.
Divorce is statistically more
likely in families where resources (e.g. money) are inadequate.
Physical intimacy tends to
create an affectionate bond. If this contradicts one or the other's
opinion of their mate, the situation can become explosive if they are required
to remain together. Do we need to return to "pruder" times?