There is enough technology available that perhaps we could realize the idea of everyone living his/her life as if on TV. The Rodney King beating shows the power of video. Suppose everyone could carry a personal recorder that kept experiential documentation of, say, the last two hours, and could change the record holding medium (tape, disk, whatever) to keep a record for proof of experience.
This would cause a great deal of stress for those who had not lived with the thought of the rest of the world perhaps being able to witness their private lives. People involved with civil liberties might well think this the biggest possible incursion of "Big Brother". But this is still hypothetical. We are exploring for solutions to problems. Having this recorder would be solely at the discretion of each person. As more and more people used them, the benefits might well be seen to outweigh the detracting aspects (or not). And it would also have to be left to the individual as to whether to give the record to anyone, including law enforcement.
Suppose someone witnessed a crime and was wearing such a recorder. He could then hold the record to help police - the record would be much better suited to giving details. If the person thought to have done the crime also had a recorder, he could use his record to demonstrate that he was elsewhere at the time.
It is of great significance that there are currently many forums on the internet that openly profess attitudes of hate. Anyone may join in, but these sites tend to be frequented by people of like mind and avoided by people having a full awareness of true facts. It takes courage and perserverance to forge into these festering sites and defend truth, but freedom does not come for free.