
This is a (very incomplete) list of links to other Utopian possibilities.  They have many different ways of viewing Utopia, and gives one much to think about.  The dream of Utopia should be everyone's.

Utopia on the internet A exceptional and vast list with many categories of links  (  Jon Will has personally at least briefly looked through almost every one of the links he has posted!

Informational Society:Notes and course materials for the design of a utopian society in 2050 based on the advances in info technology and automation.  ( )
A Utopian society built in the ocean:

Yahoo!'s considered list of Utopia links
(This site is included there.)

www.  "Info about my [the author of new book UTOPIA NOW, The Ultimate Success Story (non-fiction) and a fun U.Q.(Utopian Quotient) Test." Science of Civilization, including Science, Philosophy and Utopia The Freetimea Project. Interesting thoughts, lots of created words to carry concepts. Extensive book that uses logic to bolster Utopian conclusions.

Assumptions for Utopia
Possibilities for Utopia
Email me: [email protected]