We as a global entity have a serious problem in pollution. When there were few humans on earth, the earth was able to dispel what humans disposed. That is hardly the case anymore, but because civilization evolved out of a reality that did not until recently impose consequences upon us for our disposal, our civilization continues to take the earth's historic ability for granted, albeit some pay lip service to ceasing to pollute in response to a "radical" minority's demands. It is time for the whole of humanity to accept that we live in a different reality in which we now produce far more refuse than the earth's ecosystem can assimilate.
The "punishment" that should be imposed on anyone who disagrees is to have his or her whole family live in the immediate location of the pollution caused by his or her industry. That would make any industrialist do a lot more than just think a brief passing thought about the unpleasantness being caused by his corporation. In response to the argument that the earth is big enough to assimilate some pollution, one has to remember that any land, water or air that is fouled is the habitat of many beings which have value simply by their prior existence.
What this implies is that life may well become more expensive if we
accept this "drastic" / "needed" new way of treating the earth. If
we are worried about lack of jobs as technology takes over more and more
of the mechanical jobs, building the required infrastructure for this new
method will obviously bring with it a lot of work.