Economic Flow and Political Dams:

In the course of US history there have been many examples of politics used to try and alter the effects of economics.

Maintaining a steady economy is a tricky thing.  The better the flow in the first place, the less necessary are controls to try to change things.  The "communist" regimes of the 20th century were in reality thin disguises for authoritarian (usually brutally so) "planned" economies that were far more susceptible to corruption than the Western nations.  People will by nature look out for themselves at whatever level -- individual, company, nation.  They will assert that things should be such that it happens they will benefit.  Thus complete laissez faire or anarchy is not really an option.  Yet the more control there is the more that control is susceptible to special interests at many levels.

Ideally we would do well to strive for disseminating as much power as possible.  But we have to realize that we need some sort of outside view to balance what we would do in our interest vs. what we should do in everyone's interest.


Assumptions for Utopia
Possibilities for Utopia
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