How much of what shall we do?
If the machines of Utopia do all the laborious work, what's left to do?  Design will always be a needed art.  Fashions need not change, but new designs can be entertaining.  We would be free to do any work for the love of it and not have to worry about whether it is successful.  We would still have to be responsible for doing some sort of work as determined by what we as a whole want (see Money).  To figure out how much, we would have to look at how much we want beyond what is provided by the Utopian industrial machine complex.

And some people are just naturally good at doing some things and not very good at doing others.  Some are effective leaders, while others are good team players.

However, would we fall apart like overcooked chicken if we didn't have something to "test our metal"?

Assumptions for Utopia
Possibilities for Utopia
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